Sunday, February 7, 2016

Flooding Facebook........

The only social media tool I use is Facebook.....unless you count email and an occasional Facetime with far away friends. At this point I realize that Facebook is "old fashioned" and younger members of our family are on Instagram, or Tinder, or whatever. But I'll just stick with Facebook.

It's been fun to re-connect with friends I haven't seen for awhile and to see photos of their families or trips. To share silly videos or posters. And, during campaign season (which is basically almost ALL the time) to read and sometimes post political sites/opinions/polls.  I figure that's what social media is share. And yes, sometimes I share my opinions or re-post someone elses, but usually I enjoy the fun stuff.

My friend Linda lives in Japan and she "nominated" me to post at least one nature-related photo every day for a week and to tag some of my friends to do the same. She told me she'd been nominated by one of her friends and hoped to "flood Facebook with positive images". Linda also shares thoughtful posts about politics, or society, or mankind in general......but she really likes the idea of posting lots of pretty images for her Facebook friends to share and enjoy.

I accepted her challenge with a bit of a "cheat". I am posting Dave's photographs. He's the photographer in the family but doesn't do Facebook. I do Facebook but don't take many photos. So he's cooperating in a passive sort of way.

It is fun.....scrolling through his thousands of photos and picking a few each day. Nice to be reminded of the beauty that surrounds us......whether it's a photo of a huge mountain range or a small flower. Taking time to see and appreciate the images does bring the blood pressure down and moves the appreciation factor up.

So I'm posting pics and have nominated a few friends to widen the circle and pass it on.

You don't have to be a professional to capture a moment and share it with Facebook. Try it......

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