But I am shaking with emotion. I am so mad I just don't know what to do with this one. And I don't plan to post this episode on Facebook.....at least not now, because they probably would not appreciate my language.
This has been a very difficult political election.....and I said the same thing both four and eight years ago....but this year is just beyond anything I could ever have imagined.
And yes, I will agree that we have two flawed candidates....but today's leaked video of Donald Trump on a bus going to an appearance on a soap opera in 2005 pushed me over the edge. I am a woman. I have a daughter. Anyone who is a woman (or a man), who has a daughter, a granddaughter, a niece, a partner, a friend....anyone who values women in any way needs to really listen to and think about what this man said just a short time after marrying his third wife.
The video is on the national news tonight and was originally leaked by the Washington Post.....so Trump supporters will scream "it's rigged". But listen to the words. The man who would occupy the Oval Office and lead America talks about grabbing women "by the pussy".....he talks about trying to "fuck" a married woman but couldn't quite get that to work out. He goes on and on and on.
Now Donald has issued an apology, to anyone he "might" have offended. He's also stated something like what he said was "locker room talk" and nothing worse than Bill Clinton said to him once on a golf course.
What part of this doesn't he understand.....Bill Clinton is not running for public office. What went on or goes on in is his marriage is between him and his wife. And he offended every woman in the world.
Now imagine....here is a current list of "women in charge" across the world. (According to Time Magazine as of September.) Some from smaller countries than others, some who may be ending terms. I don't know. But here's the list. And then think of any of these leaders coming into a room and sitting down at a negotiating table across from Donald Trump knowing that he is first judging their boobs, and their kissability, and their pussies. And then expect them to look at him, and therefore the United States, with any degree of respect.
I wish I could be in the audience at the next debate.....the one where candidates take questions from the voters. I'd love to ask The Donald a few choice questions.
I can only hope, as President Gerald Ford once said, that soon "Our long national nightmare is over."
I'm going to vote early and pray. This is not the Party of Lincoln.....I don't usually vote a straight ticket. I like to think of myself as "independent" and try to judge individuals (especially those running for very important offices on their merits). But this time I can only hope that my staunch Republican-only friends seriously think about splitting their vote. Go ahead and keep control of the Congress.....do not let this man lead as President.
And frankly, Melania should kick him to the curb.
Women in Charge
Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK
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