Tuesday, December 28, 2021

They All Are.....

I don't read "news" stories about most of our GOP Trumper representatives in Washington.....some of them just seem supremely unqualified and spent their time getting in front of any possible microphone to grab the attention. I'm not sure how much, if any, actual "peoples' work" they are doing. But the other day MTG was loudly proclaiming Kwannza was a "fake religion created by a psychopath" and I couldn't help it....that "ear worm" just would not leave me alone.

I kept thinking to myself "all religions are created by someone" and I'm sure that many of the people first exposed to the philosophies thought, "This is nuts!" Imagine an actual examination of the facts surrounding the birth of Jesus and the miracles attributed to him. Walking on water? Turning water into wine? Virgin birth? I mean the stories mean a lot to the people who follow the Bible....but they are stories started by someone and passed on to someone else and finally written down and re-written and re-written and still accepted as fact. And I'm sure the foundation of the Muslim religion carries it's own traditional but unproveable facts......stories accepted on faith.

And Judaism?? Same thing...traditions and stories. Hinduism? Ditto. And on and on. From my point of view all religions were started by "someone".

And then I did a little dive into Kwanzza and what it actually is. According to Wikipedia Kwanzza is "an annual celebration of African-American culture from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a communal feast called Karamu, usually on the sixth day. It was created by activist Maulana Karenga, based on African harvest festival traditions from various parts of Africa, including West and Southeast Africa. Kwanzaa was first celebrated in 1966."

So Kwanzaa as a religion....that's a no. Kwanzaa as a celebration....yes. Created by a psychopath....ummmm, no. MTG actiing stupid again...for sure. 

Seems to me another celebration doesn't do anything negative in our world and perhaps, just perhaps brings a little light and understanding to our communities. So Happy Kwanzaa everyone.....and just go home MTG.

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