Friday, May 13, 2022


We sat and watched the national news at 5:30 before going down for dinner. David Muir sits at the anchor desk and his lead off story was that President Biden had made a short speech in recognition of Americans lost to COVID. We have topped the staggering number of 1,000,000 deaths in the United States alone. Flags in DC were set at half-mast.

The focus of this particular story was the children left behind. Statistics show that more than 250,000 children lost a parent or primary caregiver since COVID first crossed into American in early 2020. 250,000 children from pre-school through high school and some were interviewed and talked about their lives since losing their mom or dad, or primary caregiver. The high school students talked about their new responsibilities as "parent" for younger siblings and the sadness, stress and anxiety accompanying their now new need-to-be-adult lives.

It was a difficult feature to watch....all these children who are also victims of the "China virus" that was supposed to be "gone by April". 

Admittedly, I watched it through a lens focused on the possible and perhaps probable roll-back of the 50 year old Roe v Wade decision....and with that, the loss of a woman's right to choose to carry or not carry a pregnancy to term with the advice of her physician.

Oh yes you Right-To-Lifers....let's protect those unborn embryos from the moment of conception.....but what are your plans for the babies born to women who are unprepared to parent (maybe they are 12-13 year old "women"), who don't have biological fathers who stick around to share the responsibility of parenting? Oh that's right....the sperm had nothing to do with it....woman's responsibility to take care of birth control (until that's illegal).

I watched this news segment and wondered too what kind of support these COVID children are receiving from our GOP flooded government and Country? Are they forgotten? Will they have help with child care needs? Will someone help provide for their education, for jobs, for meals on the table or do they have to scramble to try to put together their own support network.

Oh great MAGA voters who talk out of both sides of their mouths....protect those unborn children they have all the rights of any child....until they leave the womb. Then, you're on your own baby.

Rant for the day....and I usually DO not go on and on about political stuff, but at this point I feel anyone who does not like the direction of the RINO Republican Party (not the Party of Lincoln or my parents Republican Party) better start making a LOT of noise in any way we can.

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