One day closer to mid-term election. Radio and TV ads continue. Each side presents the most negative, out of context comments and least flattering photographs of their opponents. We voters "wade" through the onslaught.
But driving yesterday, while listening to NPR, it occurred to me that I am lucky. Listening to the news stories about many countries where people aren't allowed to voice an opinion never mind cast a vote. Where people are imprisoned, or worse, for any dissent.
I have the choice to turn off the TV, change channels on the radio or slip in my favorite CD. I don't have to listen to the talking heads.
But I can vote. I have confidence that I can (or already did) walk into my polling place, cast my vote with no one looking over my shoulder or turning me away at the door. I won't go to jail because I voted for or against an incumbent. I have a choice of candidates.
I am lucky to live where I do.
So I guess I can put up with the noise…..for a few more days.
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