Monday, December 21, 2015

What Do You Do When You Can't Do Much........

It's been a rather slow month around here for me. I'm really not complaining because so many others are dealing with much more life-impacting health problems.....or rather maybe I am complaining just a little bit.

Bunion surgery on November 20th seemed like perfect timing for this year. Our daughter was hosting Thanksgiving....we didn't have to do any Christmas shopping because this year's cruise to Alaska was it for everyone. So I went into the hospital and the surgeon took care of a large bunion and curving toes on my right foot - something I'd been ignoring for about ten years.

And, after four weeks, I am still following his instructions. Using my walker, wearing my special shoe, bending my big toe to increase it's flexibility. Icing my foot, keeping it raised up on a footstool for much of the day, not driving, using my left foot for the pedal on my sewing machine, starting to walk with a little pressure on the top of my foot instead of walking on the heel. (Question: how do you judge "a little"?)

And so when you can't do all the stuff you normally do during a week, what do you do?

I read books, spend too much time watching TV or DVD's, cuddle with my dog, work on a puzzle,  check Facebook every hour or so, spend a few minutes standing and cutting pieces for a quilt back, take a nap......and repeat.

What has Dave been doing for the past month? The shopping, the cooking, the cleaning, the errands, the driving, the dog walking, the bringing things back and forth to me when I forget something. Basically he's turned into a wife.

:-)  Maybe there are some good things about this recovery period!

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