Friday, September 23, 2016

How Do You Possibly Communicate.......

I realize Facebook is full of this stuff as we approach the November elections. And I admit that I read/watch some of the posts and I admit they are usually the ones with which I think I will agree.

But this one takes the cake. It's a man-on-the-street interview provided by The Daily yes, I'm sure some of this is suspect just because of the source. And I realize that there were others interviewed, with more reasonable reactions and the show picked the most outrageous for the video. But their "reporter" visits a Trump gathering, stops several individuals and asks his questions.  The answers are amazing. The mini-interview that really caught my attention was done with a man in a baseball cap and t-shirt (similar to what Dave wears on an everyday basis but without the logos). So it wasn't the wardrobe that caught my attention.

It was the content of the man's comments....stated with all seriousness. I tried to copy down every word.....but may have missed a few. Basically he states: "Barack Obama had a big part in 911." The reporter asks how? "Not being around. Always on vacation. Never in the office." The reporter inquires, "Why do you think he wasn't in the office on 911?"

And the Trump supporter answers, "That I don't know. I'd like to get to the bottom of that."

End of interview....reporter walks away saying "Wow."

End of discussion. End of reality. How do you respond to that? How can you have an educated conversation or debate in response?

I know that many voters are very troubled by this election and the two major candidates. I get that. But I don't understand how the candidate with years of public service stretching back to her college days can be thrown under the bus by the Trump supporters. OK....don't like her, distrust her, hate her, frustrated by politics as usual...whatever. But how can an educated voter go into the booth and vote for Trump? You've voted Republican for years? Vote the rest of the ticket so that your team can block Presidential efforts for another four years. But please consider over and over before clicking the box next to The Donald's name.

I'd rather have an imperfect one-term-experienced person in the oval office than a hair-trigger-know-it-all who isn't really interested in anyone else's considered or educated opinion because he "knows better than everyone" what's wrong with his country and how to fix it.

Isn't democracy interesting.....this year more than usual.

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