As I took care of my plant yesterday I snapped a quick picture and sent it off to my sister to show her that a little mom-memory still greets me everyday.
I got a quick response. My sister, Susan, is sheltering in place at her condo in Chicago. She's kept busy cleaning drawers and organizing and walking and working on some projects. She shared a moment from her day. After mom died Susan kept an antique music box....the kind that has the metal "records" that play when you wind the handle. The music box suddenly began to play yesterday....spontaneously. And, cleaning a drawer she found a plastic bag from mom's very favorite Swedish bakery in the Andersonville neighborhood where she grew up.
Susan's explanation was that she believes mom is watching out for us and telling us we're going to be OK. I like that.....mothering from afar. Heartstrings from heaven or wherever she is.....a gentle nudge for both of us. My plant spoke to me and the music box and plastic bag spoke to my sister. We hear love notes in some strange places.....but I'll take them....any time.